Serving The Planet

My Talk Fusion User Review July 2013 (and Empower Network Systems Adventure)

6-9 months ago I left Talk Fusion in favor of Empower Network (with very strong reasons). At the time I was disappointed about the product offering; was only really using video email (1 out of 8 products). The brand new launched video email newsletter were cool, but templates severely limited, the webinar software was still Flash based; had hick-ups / delays, and was surpassed by Google Hangout software and Facebook Videochat IMHO. Last but not least, the income opportunity? Make a product sale and make 8% instead of 100%? So traded TF for EN.

Something has changed …

… cause I’m with Talk Fusion again as of 9Jul13. Why am I back? You might appreciate my review back in 2010-2011 here when you completely new to the whole Talk Fusion ‘thing’, cause we will be going indepth in this user review.

Life without Talk Fusion in Empower Network

I thought — at the time (like many others did and still do) — that Empower Network would be an all-in-1 solution, where they provide an auto responder solution. That ain’t the case though (and that’s because of keep deliverability high for example).

Auto Follow Up in Empower Network?

Unless … *gratitude* TeamTissa did the follow ups for me, but that — over time — has proven itself to not be the best solution:

  • lots of ‘leakage’ … where people signup with Tissa, instead of  with the person who referred them. Not because of Tissa’s bad intentions or anything, but that’s just what happened.
  • the frequency with which they got e-mailed was low … once a month. While to turns leads into signups? You need to email at least 1-5 times per week!

Empower Network & Aweber vs. Talk Fusion

So that’s when I got aWeber. But back then aWeber had a super unfriendly interface, that even with Team Take Massive Action training didn’t make a whole lot of sense. My leads received follows up … but way too generic (campaigns that were used thousands of times before), and Vick Strizheus is very keen on being unique and offer great value.

Pure Leverage vs. Talk Fusion

It wasn’t until the I ran into the EZmoneyFormula, when I encountered GVO for the second time (that’s what Tissa was using as an autoresponder system as well).  Very basic backend (even ‘worse’ than aWeber), but for some reason I understood the tutorial video’s much better! And thanks to Mack Zidan’s Prosperity team offer, we could use their Empower Network API to interface Empower Network with GVO. To have upto 5,000 subscribers for just $10 per month!

An up-sell from the GVO program is Pure Leverage. Pure Leverage has a lot of good offering, but positions themselves as being better than Talk Fusion? That simply ain’t true! Only a few handful of templates vs. thousands, and a poor implementation of the concept. Even the FREE vumail offer is better than PL’s offering (at this time).

Multiple Streams of Income?

The sole reason I signed up for PL, is because of the automated income stream of the EZmoneyFormula system; indeed easy money. But what was missing … is a system. That’s where the TeamBuilder came in; an idea we had for a while. The combination of GVO (optional PL), and Empower Network is totally awesome, but the TeamBuilder framework allows for other opportunities. The only thing I’m missing in Empower Network thusfar is … instantpay! And the only company with Instant Pay is … Talk Fusion. But didn’t feel like purchasing a position in a new leg for $750. (more on that later)

Talk Fusion birthday

I was strolling Facebook last week when I ran into a new announcements of Talk Fusion. The Pro Pack ($1,499) doesn’t resonate with me. All the other changes do.

Talk Fusion 2013 updates

Changes to when we left:

  • single opt-in has changed to double-optin (is a good thing; mandatory by law)
  • Still possible to important CSV lists (aWeber doesn’t!!!)
  • button to embed HTML code for opt-in forms (great!)
  • Much easier to embed within OptimizePress and other 3rd party products! (woohoo!)
  • iOS app can now be downloaded from the App Store (of course for free; yes!)
  • Strict separation between product, opportunity and training webinar
  • Backend and frontend fully translated in even more languages
  • Fast Track Diamond Rush Guide training in 17(!) languages

(and we use a similar system in Empower Network for the best success)

  • Next to creditcard, payment from Paylution and internal bankbalance supported (yes!)
  • Dozens more video email newsletter templates
  • It’s now also possible to Pay membership per year (instead of per month) and get $35 discount (yes!)
  • Webcasts to an unlimited audience have no more delays to global server park (yes!)
  • VideoCenter 2.0 is about to launch of which I heard some very promising things (HTML5 compatible is the rumor)
  • Video email templates in 22(!) languages
  • Instead of 1 holiday incentive; double the holiday incentive per year
  • Starter Pack is disappearing (Executive is entree level) and introduction of Pro-Pack
  • Talk Fusion (platform undependable / Adobe Air based) Toolbar has been updated … and is the best tool bar none!

(so you can opt-out from the daily reminders by e-mail, and still be kept in the loop)

  • Talk Fusion has launched their own YouTube account (meaning; we now all can share more freely on YouTube, Blogs, etc.)

So the best? Only got better! And when I found out I could reactivate my old account (with the downline intact) for just $35? The decision was made! Checkout our teambuilder announcement imported in a TalkFusion Elite co-branded Empower Network template:


Using TalkFusion with Empower Network API

And now things get really interesting … as Gartner Research has proven that Video Email has a 280% higher conversion ratio than any boring HTML5 email template (so it’s better than Aweber, Getresponse, Mailchimp, GVO, etc.)

What if … you could follow up with your EN prospects with Video Email? You can’t create a 1on1 connection with your Empower Network backend, but what you CAN do is download the Empower Network contacts through a special API script (that I have laying around) to import that straight into your Talk Fusion address book … and follow up with them …  that’s a job that’s easy to do for ‘master outsourcer’: and thanks to the 8% commission of Talk Fusion ain’t no longer the case either, as we open up at least 4 other streams of income (Cycler bonus, matching bonus, etc.) on …. AUTOPILOT! BAM!

Update 14Jul2013: a regular reader of my blogposts, suggested that instead of plugging into the API? You can export your connected GVO, Aweber of Getresponse list to TF. So you get the best of both worlds. Generic auto-follow up messages AND the ability to connect with your prospects on a more personal level with video email or email newsletters. Thx Ivar!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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