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LiteCoin / AltCoin Mining Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti GPU Low Power Usage

Alternative coin mining is being dominated by AMD/ATI hardware, but it seems a new GPU architecture line up from nvidia called “Maxwell” — starting with the nVidia GTX 750 Ti GPUs — is going to change the way we mine our coins!

Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti GPU Low Power

A few random snippets:

265 k/hs at 60 watts. Very impressive. Could run 6 cards and everything else with a mid range 700 watt.

Honestly, I applaud Nvidia’s efforts because this card is definitely competitive in the scrypt mining game. At ~290 kh/s for around $150 and 60w draw, it has a great kh/$ ratio and an amazing kh/w ratio.

Again, the Radeon R9 270 and the GTX 650 Ti Boost both drew ~160W to hit 180KHash/s and 395KHash/s respectively. The GTX 750 Ti, in contrast, mined at a steady 246KHash/s on just 105W

but also …

can’t get more than 294 khash/s out of gtx 750 Ti no mater what I try. But on bright side it runs freaky cool (45C overclocked) and eats like 50W (measured via at wall monitor).

pros: – does not require power connectors at all – does not need powered risers – pretty stable (cudaminer is very stable itself) – any generic elcheapo 300+ W psu is sufficient.

cons: – sub 300 khash.. weak. – initial set-up $ per khash is high

all in all, it’s a nice proof of concept for future high end cards with Maxwell. but the 750 Ti itself is hardly a viable mining card, unless you live where electricity cost is very substantial, then maybe it’s a different story.


‘m not saying it won’t be a good option for some miners, but from a pure profitability standpoint the 270/270X are still much better deals. Going by the calculator for litecoin using $0.10/kWh).

  • 750 Ti – 300 KH/s @ 60W = $1.47 per day – $0.14 power usage per day = $1.33 per day
  • R9 270 – 450 KH/s @ 150W = $2.21 per day – $0.36 power usage per day = $1.85 per day

Bibliography for further Research

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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