Serving The Planet

My TOP online money making recommendations February 2013

The best online making money opportunity bar none? Let me explain it to you in this vmail:


As many loyal followers of my online making money journey might know?

I’m a passionate product user … cause I cannot promote or endorse to others, what I’m not using myself. Basically going back to the basics of Word-of-Mouth Advertising (WMA). The reasons most online companies are relying on WMA or affiliate marketing is:

  • it costs them nothing before an actual sale has been made
  • highest customer loyalty, and thus
  • more benefit for both supplier and customer (lower rates / more services).

There are some companies — that instead of giving you a discount / gift — actually reward you for bringing in new customers. The enormous amount of advertising costs that these multi-nationals save this way, are then payed out to their referrals; as a ‘thank you’.

So next to being a loyal customer of the organisations below, I’ve made it my goal — by sharing my enthusiasm about the product / service — to be a smart customer. Meaning referring at least the necessary amount of people to be break even; a free customer!

Company one-time pm Breakeven As of
Empower Network €34 at 1 cust Nov 2012
LoveMyLotto €14-42 5 cust. Jan 2013
MoneyBird €12,50 4 cust. Jul 2010
Talk Fusion €97-575 €15-27 6 cust. Feb 2010
WorldVentures €187 €37 4 cust May 2009

Any obligations? YES! Being a customer still means you have to obey the rules (terms of agreements) of each of the respective companies. You cannot tear down your sportsclub either (for example), just because you pay monthly intuition fees. Do you have to refer people? Nope, being a customer is just fine. Don’t want to be a customer? That’s cool, doesn’t change anything how I feel about a particular company and their products or services. I do feel I have something interesting for everybody though!

As you can see from the list, I personally referred more people into Empower Network, than ‘necessary’ (to be a smart customer) … and thus I earn money with it. A LOT of money I dare say (compared to my ventures of the past years). Which is why I’m hardcore and laser focused at Empower Network!

P.S. I know we all want to have big leaders in our teams. But seriously … if you haven’t made money online and/or have no experience? Don’t pitch me for opportunity XYZ. I’m happy where I’m at. And ya’ll need Empower Network to promote your opportunity!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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