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Tag Archives | Forex


Forex Robot: FAP Turbo Reviews

Do Forex robot scripts work for, or actually against you? made a comparative review of the most famous forex auto trading scripts, namely FAP Turbo, Forex Killer, and Forex Tracer. Clear winner: FAP Turbo. Heard about it before, but never did the research. Some more indepth reviews: FAP Turbo Review – Is it Really the Best Automatic Forex Trading System? […]

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MPT Webinar: Intensive trading

This thursday January 22th 2009, there will be a new a webinar at 19:00 on a new intensive training strategy. Not much information is disclosed yet, so you have to follow it (and it’s absolute free!). Other webinars worth watching (when you have traded before) are the tonight’s “Forex killer webinar” at 20:00. Note: all […]

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