Serving The Planet

Stable investment opportunities November 2008

Last month I wrote about results, this month I would like to focus on the highlights for the upcoming month(s).

Let’s start with a typical question I receive these days: “How can you still make money, when economy is probably as bad as it can possibily be at the moment?” Well the world ain’t what it’s like 5-10 years ago. The Internet did change the way we do business. Yes, the worldwide economy is going through bad times right now. But after bad always come good, or atleast better times. Most money is made in emerging markets. The people who are rich today, invested in opportunities / were prepared to take upon challenges in the past. I don’t know what you did, but I do know my financial results of last month and how my budget is going to look next month …

When currency pairs drop in value you can make tremendous profits with Foreign Currency exchange. We already saw the proof of that last couple of weeks. Last Sunday night the markets opened up again, and in the followed 12 hours you could have made €400 profit on every currency pair. It really amazes me how many people think Forex trading is hard or unprofitable. I am really really careful (considering the risks I take), and yet I made €450 with a few minutes work this month already. What will it do for you? Would you be happy when I showed you the techniques I use? Just contact me.

In the ‘HYIP scene‘ the good long term opportunities are in long time running programs like:


    • Tradelite (ROI: 118/147/194% after 20/40/60days)


  • Largesum (ROI: 148/208/340% after 30/60/120days)



  • InoFund (ROI: 103/114/193% after 3/7/31days)



  • WOIP (1% daily compounding forever)



  • Centasia (ROI: 144/151% after 21/35days, compounding available)

And best short term opportunities definitely lay in the AutoSurf industry with programs like:





  • Scotia Ads (ROI: 120/200% after 30/100days)



  • AggeroInvestment (ROI: 127.5% after 15days)

I’m about a week away of cashing in ~ €1600 (an extra month salary) using a balanced combination of diversification in leveraging my money with these programs and expecting a same result next month. Will it work for you too? Why don’t you do a testspend?

The best way ‘to get rich quick’ is winning the lottery. In this case it’s worth mentioning that the EuroMillions jackpot will be at €42,000,000 this Friday. And you can increase your winchance by over 12600% by playing in the WLS syndicate.

update 18nov08: eliminated some programs from the list
update 1dec08: Tradelite in trouble

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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