Serving The Planet

Tag Archives | korg m50 review


Korg M50 reveiled

Korg has reveiled a slimmed down version of the Korg M3, or did they? Cause it sounds to me (after watching this this video @ Korg USA) that it’s actually a revamped Triton or upgrade from the TR series. It doesn’t have built-in Karma technology, but the ‘old’ dual polyphonic arpeggiators. However it does have the […]

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Korg M50 SOS review

In my earlier posting of the Korg M50, I wasn’t that enthousiastic about the synthesizer. However reading the World Premier review of the Korg M50 in Sound On Sound magazine of October 2008, it seems to fit a hole in the market afteral! Expected price tag was supposed to be €1200. However, the 61-key version sells […]

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