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Korg M50 reveiled

korg m50Korg has reveiled a slimmed down version of the Korg M3, or did they? Cause it sounds to me (after watching this this video @ Korg USA) that it’s actually a revamped Triton or upgrade from the TR series. It doesn’t have built-in Karma technology, but the ‘old’ dual polyphonic arpeggiators. However it does have the EDS sound engine from the Korg M3.

Stephen Kay of Karma Labs announced a special Karma M50 software package, so it will give you full M3 possibilities. Need more info or what to discuss this new to be released ‘creativity workstation’? Check out this topic at Karma Labs forum.

The amount of control you have on the sounds is phenomenal. The integration with a home based software studio is awesome! Soundwise? Still prefer Yamaha MO series. Is the M50 worth the investment? Price tag has been rumoured to be at about €1200. However we will have to wait for that till it’s official release in October 2008.

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