Serving The Planet

Tag Archives | my advertising pays review 2015


My MAPS team updates and Quick FAQ: January 2015

Hi there! there’s a high probability that if you’re reading this right now? That you’re on my team already cause I sent this out in a newsletter. And you received that email cause I’m the guy who referred you through My Advertising PayS (in short: MAPS). However if you are brand new to all of this? […]

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Advertising? Pays! My MAP – User Review May 2014: Ponzi Scam or Crazy Legal?

There are two kinds of people people who get paid every 20 minutes and those who do not want to get paid every 20 minutes (WHY?!) Watch these user reviews / testimonials of real people (of all walks of my life) from London, UK; You chose what group you like to be part of … […]

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Earn With Earnie
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