Serving The Planet

Why My Advertising Pays? Is it really safe and not a scam?

We’ve had a few people ask lately so I
thought I would get this out there in
case you’re wondering the same things.

Questions like, “How is My Advertising
Pays different from programs like
AutoSurf Daily or Zeek Rewards?”

“I lost a lot of money in Zeek (or ASD).
Is my money going to be safe with MAPS?”

I personally never joined most of these
because I thought it was obvious that they
were ponzi programs and would not last.

That’s not to say that I haven’t been
burned by fly by night programs in the
past, because I have.

The key here is what I just mentioned.
Knowing and understanding what a ponzi
really is can always help.

The short definition is, “a program
that has no real product where new
money coming in is used to pay the
people who have been in the longest.”

MAPS has real products. Advertising
packages that anyone can purchase and
many big companies right now are indeed
buying because of the massive traffic
and exposure that MAPS can offer them.

This is true revenue sharing that’s
based on actual company-wide sales and,
using a custom algorithm, calculates
from that how much is available to
share, every 20 minutes.

So no sales would mean no revenues to
share. Ponzi’s promise a flat return
all the time. Not based on actual sales.

The owner and CEO is also a well-known
and very reputable person. He’s been
around the block a few times, so to speak.

Mr. Deese knows that revenue sharing
programs typically raise a flag with
certain agencies, which is why he has
retained the best direct sales attorney
on the planet.

To make sure MAPS is always 100%
compliant with all laws and regulations.

When you join MAPS you have to go
through a series of legal documents,
read them and agree to them, before
you can participate in the revenue

How many times have you had to do that
with those fly by night programs? I’m
going to guess… Never.

Bottom line… Yes, you are in good,
safe hands with MAPS.

Anyone sitting back waiting to see if
it’s going to last is going to be
kicking themselves 3 months from now.

Because the CEO’s vision and plan is
to grow this into one of the largest,
if not THE largest, Fortune 1000 ad
networks ever.

And MAPS shares 95% of all sales
revenues with their affiliates.

So now is not the time waiver and
wonder. Now is the time to take action.

Because the wealthiest people in the
world got there from taking action
when it was still early in the game.

More than 1,000 people a day are
joining MAPS right now. That’s a
noteworthy trend, don’t you think?

So get in, get your feet wet, and
start building a considerable
growing income with MAPS today.

Take Action By Clicking Here

Start with whatever you can afford but
get some credit packs now. Then just
make sure you login once every 24 hours
and view 10 websites.

That’s all there is to it. Once you
see for yourself how reliable this is
I think you’ll find it difficult NOT
to share a good thing with people.

As always, if you have any questions
or concerns that’s not really meant
for tech support, I’m here for you.

Earnie Rhyker Kasteleijn

FB/Skype/LinkedIN: rhyker2u

PS. There are a couple of funding
options available. SolidTrust Pay and
an ewallet system called VXGateway.

I suggest using VXGateway because it
is fast and easy and after you use it
the first time an account is opened
for you. You can then attach a bank
account for later use with your

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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