Serving The Planet

Tag Archives | software


PC Diagnostic software

The default standard in PC Diagnostic Software seems to be SiSoftware Sandra, but it’s bulky installation and very user unfriendly interface (IMHO) doesn’t always have my preference. So what alternatives are there out there and preferably free?   Lavalys Everest Ultimate (successor of AIDA)   AIDA32 (discontinued) … portable executable file     PC Wizard […]

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Free Windows Folder Backup FTP sync

Quite a blogpost title, but that’s exactly what I was looking for due to my migration from Ubuntu 10.04 to Windows 7. As Win7 lacks — obviously — support for the Ubuntu One. But have no fear, Rhyker is here! And my hoster allows me 1TB of online storage! So it cannot be that hard […]

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EFI-X module

An EFI-X module is an USB-dongle BPU (Boot Processing Unit) manufactured by German ‘Art Studio Entertainment Media’ which enables you to install MacOSX on a ‘normal’ computer with the OSX 10.5 Retail DVD. No need for any software hacks (Boot-132/Grub-DFE for example) or special Hackintosh / MacOSX86 ISO’s … thus saving you lots of time, […]

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Mercury: Java MSN Messenger client

The problem you have when you have a Mac or Linux computer in communicating with users that have MSN messenger, that you are having a hard time trying to get the webcam to work (if it’s even possible at all). 4 years ago a smart guy from The Netherlands, had the solution: a platform in-dependable […]

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ProduKey – Recover lost Windows/Office product key

ProduKey is a small utility that displays the ProductID and the CD-Key of MS-Office, Windows, Exchange Server, and SQL Server installed on your computer. You can view this information for your current running operating system, or for another operating system/computer – by using command-line options. This utility can be useful if you lost the product […]

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Can’t read your Hotmail in your favourite mail client? Can’t read your Hotmail on your mobile phone? Used to have a Hotmail account but now have a new account(s)? Have a GMail account and want to gather your old e-mail accounts together? Got a Blackberry device? Want to moitor your childrens e-mail? Have a look […]

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[NL] Windows XP lite

Ik had al eens gehoord van nLite; een tool om Windows XP af te slanken en voor het creeren van unattended installs, zodat Windows sneller geinstalleerd staat en directe vanaf dag 1 super efficient draait. Wat ik echter niet wist, is dat er standaard XP installaties in de omloop zijn welke een oude machine een […]

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