Serving The Planet

EFI-X module

An EFI-X module is an USB-dongle BPU (Boot Processing Unit) manufactured by German ‘Art Studio Entertainment Media’ which enables you to install MacOSX on a ‘normal’ computer with the OSX 10.5 Retail DVD. No need for any software hacks (Boot-132/Grub-DFE for example) or special Hackintosh / MacOSX86 ISO’s … thus saving you lots of time, and headaches

Compatibility of the product
EFI-X is functional with various hardware configurations. A guarantee for a complete range of functions at this point cannot be made. An actual list of compatible hardware can be found on the manufacturer’s site.

More information:

  • Distributors: Europe @, UK @ Orange-Systems, NL @ MediaworkX
  • Others: Efi-x PDF manual, WikipediA

So YES this is a GREAT product. A few possible disadvantages though:

    • for some it might be a little expensive, average retail price is €199, but worth every penny … ehh euro!
  • limited hardware support list. I suggest you build from scratch!
  • only has support for a single CPU (however up to quad core). So there are still some reasons to buy a Mac Pro.
  • and whatever you built with PC hardware, it can’t surpass the beauty and functionality of Apple hardware of course.

That said? It’s a must-have product for any tweaker / multi boot PC enthusiast!

update April2010: EFI-X v1.1 Product Information

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