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Tag Archives | MacOSX


Apple eMac for my mum!

Last night bought a second hand Apple eMac for my mum! Goodbye Windows XP; we are not going to miss you! Apple eMac model specifications: PowerPC G4 1GHz 1024MB RAM memory 40GB harddisk CD-RW/DVD combo optical drive ATI Radeon 7500 AGP 32MB 17″ CRT screen (screenresolution: 1280×960) Additional hardware: Macally ICEKEY Keyboard USB Apple Mighty Mouse USB Epson […]

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EFI-X module

An EFI-X module is an USB-dongle BPU (Boot Processing Unit) manufactured by German ‘Art Studio Entertainment Media’ which enables you to install MacOSX on a ‘normal’ computer with the OSX 10.5 Retail DVD. No need for any software hacks (Boot-132/Grub-DFE for example) or special Hackintosh / MacOSX86 ISO’s … thus saving you lots of time, […]

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Mercury: Java MSN Messenger client

The problem you have when you have a Mac or Linux computer in communicating with users that have MSN messenger, that you are having a hard time trying to get the webcam to work (if it’s even possible at all). 4 years ago a smart guy from The Netherlands, had the solution: a platform in-dependable […]

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Samsung NC10 netbook

 I was reserving funds for a MSI Wind Love Edition netbook, but just read the Samsung NC10 is widely available in the Netherlands. Advantages over the MSI Wind: better position of Fn/Ctrl keys, multi touchpad, 2.5x more battery life(!!), better casing construction, full size < > keys, near silent fan operation, no ticking harddrive, standard […]

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