Serving The Planet

Yamaha PSR-S700

The Prelude might be an awesome instrument (for the embedded Fantom X range sounds) to it’s manufacturer Roland. At a price tag of around the €949, I’m not that impressed so far. When you do have about €1000 to spend on an arranger style keyboard, I recommend you to look into the already 2-year old, but amazing sounding Yamaha PSR-S700:

The differences with it’s larger brother the Yamaha PSR-S900? Basically color screen, 100 more styles & sounds, 128 instead of 96 notes polyphony, audio USB recorder, video output for karaoke, integrated microphone support + vocal harmoniser at the S900. Oh by the way, this might be a little off topic, however for a keyboard player it might be worth to note that most Yamaha products fully comply to MIDI standards: GM, GS, GM2, XG, SMF, DOC, KAR, XF and SFF. So it can play back ALL your MIDI files of the past 25 years!

More resources:







  • Reviews: Harmony Central Users,



  • Tutorials: Simon Smith’s DVD, PraxisBuch


Ready for buying it brandnew and you are from Europe? Then do yourself a favor and buy it online at musicstore under productname “Creative Bundle #364“, or “S700 set” saves you a lot of effort and money on accessory!

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