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HYIP: Largesum – news update Jan13 2009

Some clarity on the payout delays at Largesum, after many rumors on forums (didn’t have a chance to post this earlier):

PAYOUT DELAY – 13 January 2009

We understand your disturbance and worries regarding the payout delays. The thing is that management of the project has made a mistake when took a decision to lock all the withdrawal attempts for the period of Christmas holidays. The reason was obvious. The activity of most exchangers, banks and stock exchanges was limited within that time, hence the management of took a decision to give the support staff some rest and most of the team took a vacation for that period. So now the holidays are over and the withdrawal function has been enabled again. However, we should notice, the pressure upon the support has increased greatly. Starting from January 6 and till now we are receiving a large number of withdrawal requests, which is much more than we normally get. We surely understand your worries and give you the real reason for the delay. And we admit our guilt, however taking into account the individual approach to the process of completing withdrawals, we physically can’t manage to process every withdrawal on time. The support service is currently working 24/7 to process all the requests as soon as possible. And within 2 weeks time, we will surely get back to normal work and payment schedule. So far, we apologize for all the delays and assure all our investors, the normal payment schedule will be restored as soon as possible. We hope to your understanding and look forward to further cooperation.

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