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Apple App Store 5th Anniversary: TOP 10 Premium iOS apps & games FREE of charge (The Full List)

The Apple App Store first went live back on July 10, 2008.


App Store 5th anniversary

Apple hasn’t made any official announcements yet regarding the offers, and none of the below apps give any kind of explanation on their App Store pages. Take ownership of these FREE offers while they last! But given that the App Store’s 5th anniversary is in just a couple of days, it seems quite possible that the two things are related.

TOP 10 Premium iOS apps & games FREE of charge

Here’s the list of all of the free top apps spotted thus far:

None of these apps have ever been free on the App Store before, and many have commanded relatively high prices until now. In the case of Traktor DJ for iPad, the app normally sells for $19.99, and comes

The Full List …

I will be expanding for you on this list while news announcements poor in …

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