Serving The Planet

We Are Anonymous, We Are Legion, We Do Not Forgive, We Do Not Forget, Join Us!

The story behind my Gravatar / FaceBook Profile icon …


At the end of 2011 Ted Nuyten of was looking for a ‘WordPress server expert’. I replied to his request on FaceBook and ended up on his payrol, to look into

… Two Big Problems

(1) The typical page loading times for the average visitor was over 60 seconds, which had a huge impact on his webserver as well (2): webserver fall-out, downtimes and crashes.

Ted caught roughly 100,000 visitors per month at the time, but was running into the constraints of the GoDaddy dedicated server hosting platform. Their server platform is a lot of things but NOT scale-able and support is non-existent. Which are important factors, also for his other sites (about Ted himself & his hobby: collecting historic coins).


I know a guy, who knows a guy … who’s not a just dedicated server adminstrator of 1 or 2 dedicated servers, but who owns a whole ‘block’ of 19″ cabinets at the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS IX).

So … passed him an email, and he switched ‘jobs’. From sysop to Account Manager for TRU hosting (actually … when you’re reading this? This total badass ‘hacker’ is working for the Dutch IT cybercrime department… just to give you an indication how GREAT he is). Anyway … TRU is a Dutch hosting provider, that hosts on of the largest national and international websites.

Results speak louder than words

Was skeptical at first, cause they are using Ubuntu LTS as a server OS (instead of FreeBSD), and not offering a backend panel (all done by TRU’s system administrators), but … remember when Zeek Rewards collapsed? Another MLM Legend: Troy Dooly’s site collapsed within the hour; couldn’t cope with the huge increase in traffic. was the ONLY site that kept on running. So my advice? Pretty solid I dare say!

Until BFH was Defaced … by Anonymous? LOL dream on!

Myeah … has a huge “Told you so Ted”-factor all over it. What happened, had nothing to do with the BFH server (at first). I told Ted it would be smart, that after servicing his webserver and WordPress platform, it would be wise to have a look at his computer system too. Not that it’s necessary (or so everybody thinks). But carried little priority for Ted (busy busy).

Ted probably downloaded malware, and hackers got unrestricted access to his laptop. They were able to do 3 things. First access his gmail account (not protected with 2-step verification at the time), add an GoDaddy email filter. Access his GoDaddy account (still containing the domain name), change the DNS server and changing domain ownership.

GoDaddy totally failed us once more. Non-cooperative support, etc. But together with the BFH community (they posted leaflets at GoDaddy’s headquarters LOL) and my PC skills, we got the domain back + setup a ton of PC security to prevent it from ever happening again.

We are Anonymous! We are Legion!

Tissa Godivaterne calls them gremlins, Timothy Ferris refers to them as plain outsourcers, Vick Strizheus calls them odeskers, I call them ghostbusters (genie in a bottle). No matter how you call them? IT guru’s live in dark attics, bat caves and basements of the planet. We are anonymous! We take no credit for our work.

But next to receiving massive gratitude, a handsome fee for my services, I also received a Platinum subscription + Profile, and Ted permitted me to write this article: Measures To Protect Yourself Online – How Safe Are You? … and that’s where IT all started. Ted thought it would be ‘fun’ to add the Guy Fawkes mask to my article, all too often associated with hackers community Anonymous.

NO! I’m not part of Anonymous, but …

When in a period of 3 months; all MLM, Internet Marketing and IT guru’s are combining forces? Aligning themselves with a single company? People like fore mentioned Tissa Godavitarne, Vick Strizheus, Ted Nuyten, Rhyker. Then MAYBE, just maybe there’s something going on … a movement; something bigger than all of us!  Hook up with me … cause we are looking to leave a bigger legacy TOGETHER; resistance is futile!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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