It’s June the 26th of 2013, second quarter is almost over, accomplished so much! And looking forward to a new quarter filled with challenges and new learning experiences, towards a new set of goals.
My Accomplishments & Goals Q3 2013
Gonna do it a little different this time, by splitting it up into a few categories, and go in depth on “the why”, being specific, trusting it to e-paper to remind myself when things get tough, to perversere and flourish.
My Journey through Life
Opposed to what the video testimonial suggests in the top right corner? I’m not living in London, and never made it to Cyprus. I had to abort my adventure due to severe health issues (built up after years of unhealthy living). After a long talks on phone and mail, my mum agreed I could move in with her to fix my ‘issues’. In April 2010 came back to Holland, and it was my intention to stay in Holland for only 3 months. A few months already turned into years. The first year out of 3, was the toughest; had surgery several times, not being able to do much (work wise), being with the wrong home based business opportunities, startup problems with my own IT company. Total lack of structural income, and too stubborn to give up and get a government allowance. Looking back at it now? I would probably have done a few things different, but nevertheless it has taken me where I am today, have no regrets.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs … Rest in Peace
Relocation to … Cyprus? With their current economic climate? Not the best decision. I won’t spend my days a Holland much longer though, I need more sunshine, beach, etc. But where to? No clue yet. But circumstances have changed too. My mum has just turned 60, and her early retirement is more important then mine. I know what financial stress is like, and she’s too concerned about her pension. I will relocate somewhere in 2013? But if I can save money by not renting my own place and outsourcing daily chores? I can spend all the money AND time to focus on building my Empower Network Empire like never before. To have my mum retire early AND relocate wherever I want by the end of 2013.
Take more holidays in Q3; once a month. And to be more specific:
First go to Empower Network Denver Event by the end of July and make sure to have at least two teammates with me… listened to livestream instead- September? Don’t know yet. Will figure it out. Maybe Spain. change of plans … moving again to London!
Residual Income – Residual Bills > 0 = Financial Freedom
So by keeping my living expenses to the minimum, I’m actually financially free already!
Except I still have to pay off my last bank loans (8,000EUR to be precise). After that all the funds will go straight to the ‘trust fund’ of my mum. To give her the peace of mind she deserves! After caring for me as a child … and as her child for the past 3 years.
Empower Network Team Goals
- Go ALL-IN! (cause still have to purchase the final 2 products)
- Have everybody in my frontline be profit in their first month! (building some every smart systems for that at the moment)
IT Business goals
- Become a Fiverr Level 2 Seller; need at least another 39 positive ratings for that. Launching a few discount incentives soon!
- Be at 500+ FaceBook likes at
- (re)launch Remote Desktop Support in Holland
- Have at least 100 positive reviews at My Marktplaats.NL ad
I just updated My Mac OS X Apps June 2013 list, and have to be honest … not all software I’m using is legal. Reason why? I don’t know to be honest. I suppose that ever since as an young nerd, and not having ultra rich parents? I had to find my ways to be able to use the software I needed to get the results I was after; hack my way to things. As Thomas Edison once put it:
Hell! there ain’t no rules around here! We are tryin’ to accomplish somep’n!
It’s also the reason for bringing me the unique skillsets that I possess. BUT as a webdeveloper myself, I would hate it when my projects turn into warez. And great software is worth buying to be tribute to it’s developers.
I’m not stupid to tell you what software I’m going to purchase though But I will share with you, I’ll be purchasing a TeamViewer 8 Business license, to help more people with my Remote Tech Support services through
I’m superhappy with my current Dell D630 hackintosh. See no need to change anything there. But … it would be nice to have a “Mini Mac Pro” with a nice screen setup as a rendering and development ‘farm’. Or maybe just buy a genuine Apple iMac? Not sure yet. Will keep you posted
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