Serving The Planet

Empower Network Event Miami 2014: Declaration of Intent!

Tomorrow it’s November 2013. And I’m gonna make a declaration of intent RIGHT NOW: I am on stage in Miami January 2014, making at least $20,000 in residual income. Making me at least a Level 8 member in “Team Take Massive Action”.

“Ernie, how much money are you earning now?”


… and let me tell you why; straight up!

I’m not teaching you how to earn money online. I’m sharing with you a system that teaches us how to do it. Proven track record and you are being taught by people who are already making 6-figure incomes per month. The people I like to learn from. They know something I don’t yet. So you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Just tap into the system with video & audio training, and just do what they tell you to do and you will make money.

And true, it’s not my first system. Finding the right company, product value, affiliate compensation plan, training and team culture is like marriage. How many girlfriends/boyfriends did you have before you got married? Are you Married? That’s probably better question to ask

Also it really doesn’t matter how much money somebody earns. It’s about (positive) cashflow; how much of the money you earn, are you ABLE TO KEEP after you’ve paid all the bills and other costs in your life? This is why we have a recession. 70% of the population is at least 200-300 euro short each month. This is why people get in debt; and the problem is only getting bigger. You can either do something about it? Or you don’t. It all comes down to choice.

My story is different from yours. I’ve never made a secret out of it, that for the past few years I’ve been living with my mom. The reason for it? Is because 5 years ago I hit rock bottom. Everybody perceived me as being this super successful 3rd Level senior UNIX engineer, maintaining the entire server farm of a big outsourcing company with 3500 employees. Had my own place, superfine lease car, cool pension plan, all expenses paid. But there is ALWAYS more going on than meets the eye.

I wasn’t happy, I was mentally broke, and physically in extremely poor shape after 10 years of poor health habits. Fast Forward 4 years: surgery several times, long recovery, a ton of personal development training, coaching sessions, and … became a student of Empower Network 12 months ago. Had the ‘all-in’ mindset from the beginning, but simply couldn’t afford to go ‘all-in’ financial wise, cause my cashflow wasn’t 200-300 euro short; it was more like 10-fold, due to HUGE debts built up through the years and taking financial advice from to the wrong people.

Tomorrow it’s November 2013. And I’m gonna make a declaration of intent RIGHT NOW: I am on stage in Miami January 2014, making at least $20,000 in residual income. Making me at least a Level 8 member in “Team Take Massive Action”.

Why? Cause IT IS EASY now. I’m almost debt free. I have no gf, no kids, no mortgage, totally in love with myself and what I’ve achieved in such a relatively short time span and best of it all? I HAVE ZERO OBLIGATIONS. Now the FUN is getting started!!! 

Want to create a LIFESTYLE SHIFT in your life as well? Learn from our past mistakes what not to do, and learn EXACTLY what you need to be on stage with us? Make a ‘mindblowing’ $25 ~ 19EUR ~ 17GBP decision.

  • Community … check.
  • Superb e-learning platform … check.
  • Belief … check.
  • ENV2 … check.
  • Systems … check.

Time to skyrocket this thing, and be on stage in Miami; all of us. Or stay secretly broke / unhappy.

P.S. Oh … and don’t waste time opting in and watch 1 hour presentation. Just get this baby now for $25 by going straight to the order page, download the FREE iPad/iPhone/Android Apps in the Appstores, and signup for our teambuilder here (that’s how we do things in our team)

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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