ZeekRewards has created a Retail Profit Pool (RPP) and shares up their daily net profits with its qualifying Zeekler affiliates. Zeekler is an auction company that sales name brand items through it’s penny auction site. The money that’s being made from the auction site is split among paying members in the affiliate program. Members only get paid from Zeek Rewards for placing one ad per day, making it an advertising revenue sharing program. You help grow the company, the company ‘thanks you’ for your effort. Note: Daily surfing is mandatory because the program is not an investment opportunity, or some illegitimate off shore HYIP (High Yield Investment Program).
When you sign up to Zeekler, you get free bids. When you purchase bids = VIP bids, you can participate in the ‘good stuff’ auctions. When you sell or purchase VIP Bids from ZeekRewards you can earn VIP ProfitPoints every day, for 90 days just for placing ONE FREE AD for Zeekler.com daily and submitting the link to your ad through your ZeekRewards Ad Center in your back office. Every time you buy or sell VIP Bids through your ZeekRewards back office – those bids are added as Vip ProfitPoints to your ZeekRewards VIP ProfitPoint balance and Zeekler.com bidbank balance. At the end of each day (7 days a week) the company determines its daily overall revenues and shares up to 50% of it’s net profits back to its Qualified Affiliates based on each individuals VIP ProfitPoint Balance.
ZeekRewards Offers You … Six Ways To Earn:
1) ZAP Commissions: Earn 20% on all personally referred customers retail bid pack purchases on Zeekler.com
2) Your Retail Store: Earn the difference between your wholesale discounted price and the retail price listed in your retail store. No inventory, no hassles, no “garage qualifying”. Simply promote your link and earn monthly margin checks on any purchases made by your customers without any of the headaches!
3) The Retail Profit Pool: As a Premium, qualified affiliate who places and submits one FREE AD every day can earn daily awards through the ZeekRewards profit-share program. PLUS up to 10% on every VIP bid sold on your personally sponsored affiliates and up to 5% on your 2nd generation affiliates purchases (for those who qualify).
4) Retail Subscription Profits: Earn a 20% monthly retail profit from all personal retail sales on personally sponsored affiliate’s subscriptions. The 20% is based on the monthly subscription price regardless of rank qualification or placement in the matrix structure. This 20% takes precedence over other matrix commissions as follows and NOT in addition to it.
5) The Shopping Daisy(coming soon): Earn affiliate commissions through the most popular affiliate shopping programs on the Internet by giving away this incredible price-saving application FREE!
6) The Matrix: Earn up to $3.50/month on every paid subscriber in your personal 2×5 Forced-fill matrix…and qualify to earn matching bonuses to unlimited depth … residually!
Update 15dec11: Why I ‘initially’ left ZeekRewards:
- Did you understand the explanation at this page? I had to rewrite it a few times to describe in an understandable way. When you’re introduced to Zeekler the proper way? Then It takes about 1-2 hours to understand what penny auctions are (when you never heard about it). Then another … week to figure out how the compensation plan works, or what the difference between all the bids is. Not important? Maybe. I like to understand what I sign up to;especially what membership level to choose!
- The presentation and information the company provides is pretty much non-existent. Meaning all the good stuff comes from the individual teams. Which is fine, but it doesn’t give me a great feeling.
- Zeekler is the fastest growing opportunity on the planet, yet their pages and back-end look like they were created in the 90s. Startup issue? I don’t know. Gives me more bad vibes.
- There’s an excellent 30minute presentation going around, that’s been created by USBHH … a company that doesn’t have a very high standard in creating content, neither has reliable partnerships.
- The company behind Zeekler might be 14 years old, and always been paying. Zeekler itself has only been around as of late 2010. That mean it’s a startup. I don’t like startups; had too many disappointments with them. Ever heard about 12dailypro? We lost $10,000s in that RPP deal.
- There are hardly any products in the penny auction site, and NO international shipping. So I can only be enthusiastic about the money generating aspect. I don’t like to promote something that’s just about money, without any true product value (makes me get the pyramidal feeling, although their legal stuff is checkout very well by top industry lawyers). But not having international shipping is also the reason the auction model won’t be sustainable. It’s a profit sharing model. No profits from the auctions? No payouts. So they will have to launch more products over time, making it more complicated to explain.
- One of these products is the “Shopping Daisy”. An app that’s downloaded on somebody’s computer, and guides them to the best deals. Hmm … the same promise we had in My Shopping Genie (which turned out to be a scam). Source: BusinessForHome.org … sure Shopping Daisy MAYBE works
- It’s just 3 minutes a day of daily surfing? But that makes it 3 minutes a day too much. I’m trying to get away from my computer, not be stuck at it. A day not surfed, is a day missing out on 1.4-1.5%. profit sharing. Sure I can outsource the surfing to somebody, but that doesn’t make it duplicable. “But people make money!” Yeah … that’s a statement based on greed, not on value. A big ‘no go’ for me.
- To make money you’ve got to invest money. $100/month for Diamond membership is pretty steep.
The 1.4-1.5% daily profit compounding (as long as you surf) is fantastic, but I rather spend my time into a business with a product offering value, that doesn’t need explanation, duplicates like crazy, with an opportunity attached to it that’s 5+ years old, etc. etc. Does that make Zeekler a bad opportunity? No not at all. Just not my cup of tea (yet), that’s all.
Update 1 March 2012: just found out that Troy Dooly of MLMhelpdesk.com linked to this article at behindmlm.com expressing the exact same concerns I have about Zeekler.
Update 16th April of 2012: Troy Dooly of MLMhelpdesk.com has been covering ZeekRewards for a few months now. Sometimes actually every day. There’s another groundbreaking video below, that really shows how well Zeek has organised things:
Also checkout this Interview with ZeekRewards’ COO @ MLMhelpdesk.com
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