Serving The Planet

My ‘bucket list’ aka dream/vision board 2008-2009

The title of this blogpost is Inspired by the movie “The Bucket list“. Next to a diversity of financial freedom related goals, I also have a few materialistic goals, or activities that will make my life more worthwhile.

I hereby would like to publish my dream/vision board in English of things I want to do, have or become. Original posting date (in Dutch): 6 august 2008. The list … hmm nolet’s start with my definition of financial freedom; it’s having all the time in the world to do what I like with people around me that add value to my life, while we live a life of luxury as we deserve it. Currently the goal financially is set at earn a passive income of €2,000 a month. Better defined concrete goals:


    • to make a difference (big or small) everyday to somebodies life
    • Perfect health (physical and mental condition)
    • Backpacking through Europe while introducing Success University to as many people as possible
    • Penthouse with atleast 3 rooms and roof terrace, with view at the ocean in a warm country
    • International rental appartments (for example: Barcelona in Spain, Algarve Portugal, Romania Constanca)
    • Yachts Cruiser Express 560 in Greek or Spanish port
    • Being able to go on holiday whenever I like where I want to. Preference countries: Greece (Athens, Kronos, Kreta), India (visit Taj Mahal), Australia (backpacking), Romania (Bacau, Constanca), China (ShangHai, Beijing), Peru, Dubai, Mexico (Cancun), USA (Miami, Los Angeles), Egypt (great piramids)
    • deadline set at December 2010, to be ‘rich’ according to Fortune magazines definition, thus earning $1 million passive per year
    • Stop smoking … goal achieved @ 27mar09

Homestudio / Mutimedia corner

    • MSI Wind dualboot WinXP … goal achieved @ 14feb09
    • carrybag MO8 … goal achieved @ 13feb09
    • Korg Nano series … goal achieved @ 13feb09
    • 3M 22.1″ Touchscreen for HomeStudio enhancement and as MediaCenter … goal achieved @ 09feb09
    •  Samsung SGH-D880 … goal achieved @ 08jan09
    • Yamaha MO8 synthesizer … goal achieved @ 14nov08
    • Logitech Quickcam 9000 Pro voor verzorgen van online YouTube cursussen … goal achieved @ 13sep08
    • better PC in Woerden … goal achieved @ 23aug08


    • ballroom dance lessons
    • Car upgrade path: Toyota iQ -> Audi R8
    • Language courses: French, Romanian, Spanish, German
    • More personal development: reading of books & going to seminaries … goal achieved @ 22jan09 by joining Success University


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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