Serving The Planet becomes EcardOne.Com

From the website:

We would like to inform you that website (owned by eCardOne Ltd. Seychelles) has been sold to ECARDONE BANCORP LIMITED, a New Zealand Financial Corporation. What does this mean? It means that there will be a wider range of services and the renowned quality of services provided by will become even better. The transition to a new website ECARDONE.COM will take place on May 1st 2009, and the old website GOLDEXCHANGE.EU will no longer exist. This will not influence processing of orders in any way. When accessing the website, you will be automatically re-directed to the new website, where you will find a new design and the exact same forms for buying and selling e-currencies, as well as other information and the FAQ&Support section. What can you look for on the new website? Apart from a new design, we are preparing new services like a new sophisticated autoexchangethat will include 2 to 4 new e-currencies, a banking system where you can have your own offshore bank account for use on the Internet or for direct purchases and outexchanges of e-currencies, a USD and EUR-based debit cards for use with your offshore bank account or for direct loading with any of the supported e-currencies. The new system will also support Western Union payments, automated payment interface for merchants and merchant tools for accepting payments by any of the supported means. We are also preparing a new section dedicated to digital signatures and their use. Please note that it will take some time, before all of the outlined services will be ready for use. The migration from to will take placebetween May 1st and May 7th, and during this time, we will not accept new orders. All outstanding orders will be however completed without delay, and we will resume accepting new orders on May 8th. The FAQ&Support section will be fully at your disposal at all times.

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