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GVO vs Pure Leverage – How are these two systems connected?

No … I’m not looking into new opportunities, but I AM looking for ways to simply my marketing, and get better results. I’m hearing more and more about the $10mo GVO auto responder service (which is 50% cheaper than Aweber). But I’ve also heard about PL (Pure Leverage). Same owner … different product … or not?

GVO vs Pure Leverage – How are these two systems connected?

Presentation by Joel Therien (company founder of both Product lines):

Your Pure Leverage package

Pure Leverage Elite Coaching Program

Are you tired of paying thousands of dollars or more for proper internet marketing coaching?

Here at Pureleverage we will teach you everything you need to know to build a very comfortable business from home in the direct sales industry. In fact, we guarantee you can be in profit in less than 30 days.

You will be recruiting new prospects into your business without ever making a single cold call guaranteed!

Easy Lead Flow & Lead Capture Auto Responder system

The very first thing and the first tool in your PureLeverage marketing suite you will need is a very high quality designed lead capture system. If you are terrible at web design, if you hate all the “techie” stuff and your skills in adcopy writing are less than desirable, then worry no more.

Once you register a prospect, the system comes with a pre written auto responder series written by our adcopy specialists designed specifically to get your prospects to know, like and trust who you are. When your prospects come to trust you, they will naturally want to buy from you and join your team.

Pure Leverage Video Email service

So now that you have the traffic sent to your high converting lead capture pages and your professional blog, your leads list WILL grow and your downline will build itself, it is then time to keep your team motivated by leveraging the power of our video email service.

You simply choose your template, record your video and then send your video message to your whole team with 1 click of a mouse directly to their inbox or by posting it on your blog!
Being available by a pre-recorded video provides the best form of communication.

Pure Leverage Authority Blog

The second thing Joel has used to build an 8 figure business that we will build for you, is your very own personal and very professional authority blog and website.
In recent years, blogging has created more millionaires than almost anything else online.

With your blog we will teach you exactly step by step how to become the leader and the authority with the leads you have generated with your lead capture system. You simply blog about your opportunity 3 times per week, then send an email to your list inviting them to come and comment on your new blog post.

Pure Leverage Turbo Traffic Generation

Our in house marketing team, along with Joel will show you step by step how and where to get the best quality traffic to your site. There is a lot of fraud out there when it comes to traffic, you will get direct access to the rolodex of traffic providers that Joel and his team of almost 100 staff have used to get our sites ranked in the top 1000 in the world. (Out of over 375 million websites online)

Just look at the Alexa rank of some of our sites, if you are unsure of what Alexa is, it is a third party site started by Amazon which ranks websites based on traffic and popularity, you will see that our traffic is massive and we rank in the top .0001% of the best out there. We will again show you how to achieve this with your own business!

Pure Leverage Live Meeting Room

As we all know, gone are the days of hotel meetings for live presentations in the network marketing industry, especially when you use the power of the PureLeverage marketing suite of tools.

As you team grows exponentially and globally, you will find that your PureLeverage recruiting and live meeting room will be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal.

This amazing system allows you to communicate in real time audio and video, conduct presentations, share your desktop or files with all your attendees.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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