Serving The Planet

Why Some of You Need to be moving away from WordPress?

Everybody seems to love WordPress … with good reason. You can make professional sites thanks to free plugins & extensions in less than a hour (with some practise). When you add another few hours for the content, you literally set up for success … or not? is a free and managed hosting service. What do I mean by that? Well that the guys behind WordPress are responsible for the infrastructure and updates of the actual underlaying systems. So your ‘concerns’ can be fixated at creating content which complies with the terms & agreements of WordPress. Which basically read: you cannot endorse any referral program on your blog. Most people don’t know, but find themselves with a blocked blog after a few months.

That’s usually when they move to a provider. You need hosting for that. And most people run towards GoDaddy. As it’s cheap. What’s cheap as well, is the support you get. Not getting a lot of hits? Just a personal page? Sure, GoDaddy (or similar hosting companies like hostgator, mediatemple, etc.) suffice. “We” — I’m Ted Nuyten’s 3rd level support engineer — ran into a lot of problems lately with GoDaddy dedicated webserver (as the shared hosting account simply couldn’t cope either). One of the sites Ted runs, is a blog servicing 800 visitors per minute. Let’s be upfront, we are talking about of course. Which is why we chose to work with TRUE. Not cheap, but certainly very reliable. Need proof?

Now to get back to the subject of this blogpost. I love WordPress, it’s an awesome CMS, with fantastic plugins and extensions. Yet … I’m not using it myself for the same reasons I’m using Apple  OS X and Google Gmail & Apps …
They just work! Blogger isn’t going to be hacked (cause I use 2-step verification), it doesn’t need updates = ZERO maintenance, it’s lightning fast, besides a dedicated domain there’s ZERO monthly cost, and as easy to customise to your own liking with quality themes and premium templates, etc.
So if you got blocked at … and looking to take your blog to the next level? Blogspot!


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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