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Vimeo Plus Support: Groups vs Channel vs Albums

After 3 years without Vimeo, I just find myself just as confused as in 2016 when I first got access to all kinds of new features we get access to from upgrading from a FREE Vimeo account to a paid one.

thus through this blogpost I’m sharing my brief communication with Vimeo Support.

My Vimeo Plus Support request

Message from Earnie Rhyker:

I’ve just found out about groups vs. channels vs. Albums. And yet cannot find what I’m looking for.

For one of my sites I’m creating a library of educational videos. And I want them not visible for any Vimeo users. And still have the grouped together. It’s my understanding I cannot do that for a Channel. Neither a Group. As these override the individual settings per video. So how CAN I go about that?

Vimeo Groups vs Channel vs Albums (2016-2018)

I’d suggest using an album, putting a private video in a public album does not make the video public. Only you (and anyone else with access to the video) will be able to see the video within the Album.

If you add a private video to a password-protected Album, anyone with the password to the Album will be able to watch any private videos within it, without having to enter any additional passwords. This method is great if you want to share groups of private videos with your friends and family.

We know this can get confusing, and we’re in the middle of making a few changes that will help clear up messaging to let you where your video is available. Thanks for contributing to that conversation, and we’d love to hear your feedback once the changes are live.

So instead of using groups — which was my first idea — most people are better of with grouping (hence my thoughts) videos in Albums.

Vimeo Groups vs Channels vs Showcases (present)

Albums featured seem to be gone and replaced by Showcases? Getting reacquainted with things as we speak.


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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