Serving The Planet – Remote Tech Support

Everybody thinks their computer runs great.  But does it really? Perform a FREE scan!

Or what about your brand new system with Windows 8 or OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion?

Without the right software, Apps or browser extensions? You limit yourself.

And we haven’t actually touch based upon the fact you might be going through some software challenges, or maybe computer problems? We all do …

Who to turn to? Who can you trust with your data?

I’m Ernst “Rhyker” Kasteleijn, born into a generation that grew up with computers, self-taught expert relying on 24 years of experience & networking, multiple IT certifications, next to a degree in Computer Science engineering. And I LOVE to help people with their IT challenges (even the ones people aren’t aware of). A passion for two decades already.

Q: How much is your IT service valued at, what are the rates?

Depends what you compare IT to. I know of companies in USA and West-Europe who charge you €1 per minute. So that’s around €60 ~ $79USD pro hour. But you get IT …

Q: Free huh? As in no cost?! Really Unlimited? No Fair Use Policy?

Of course there’s a catch, or is that just a matter of perception? I want to help you to succeed in life. Having a computer system that runs smooth, makes all the difference. But that is just the vehicle to get from A to Better. The fuel? Is provided by Empower …

To get access to this “rocket fuel” and to start earning 100% commissions? You will have to invest $25 per month in yourself. Once you decide to make the decision to change your life for the better? I will invest my time and expertise in making sure your are readyto release your inner badass online!!

(in Empower Network and get me for free with it. Time to change YOUR life!)

Q: But I’m already a TeamTissa member with a different leader!

One of the coolest things in TeamTissa is how we truly leverage on eachother’s time and skills. I might be good with computers (and a lil’ with websites / coding / DTP), but everything else? I know when I need help, there’s always somebody in TeamTissa who can help me or my teammates. So in light of our group synergy? Well ….. I can’t offer it to your for free. But what I can do, is have you pay me with a FaceBook like! No fancy ordering process, just click like below and contact me so we can work out a time.

Q: How do I know for sure I can trust you, got some credentials?

Of course. As a corporate IT engineer I worked for Medion, ASUS, Belkin, Cap Gemini, DELL. As IT freelancer I worked wit direct sales leaders like Ted Nuyten, Kalpesh Patel, Amit Tiwari, Scott Ross, Nelis van de Wateringen … and am I also one of the freelance IT guru’s / bloggers at – One of my articles: How safe are you?

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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