Serving The Planet

New sound set: “Reincarnated” for Kronos/OASYS

Just received this newsletter from Stephen Kay (creator of KARMA):

New sound set: “Reincarnated” for Kronos/OASYS

Reincarnated KARMA-fied Combi Collection Released!
…for the Korg Kronos and OASYS
ReincarnatedFinally, it’s here! “Reincarnated – Groove Nirvana,” the brand new fully KARMA-fied set of 32 Combis for the Korg Kronos and Korg OASYS.

Click here to watch a YouTube video of Reincarnated in action, or click here to listen to some audio demos (requires Flash). While the demos show our M3 version, the functionality is the same on the Kronos and OASYS, and the combis sound even better, taking advantage of the multiple synth engines and increased polyphony and effects capabilities.

The Kronos and OASYS versions can be loaded directly into your keyboard, or used with the optional KARMA Kronos or KARMA Oasys software.

This collection aims to energize your creativity with a burst of inspirational grooves suitable for live playing, jamming, film cues and song production. Programmed by Scott Raposa and KARMA Developer Stephen Kay, the set represents hundreds of hours of work, yet is reasonably priced at $32 – only $1 per combi.

Audio/video demos, 71 page User’s Guide, and complete information can be found at the Reincarnated page.

Be sure to check out Catalyst Volume 1, our other highly-aclaimed set of KARMA-fied Combis for the Kronos and OASYS. And remember, Stephen Kay and Karma-Lab are the inventors of the KARMA Technology – nobody programs KARMA to the degree that we do. If you want big, bold, full, robust KARMA combis with inspiring and intricate parts that have 8 full scenes of completely different variations, each capable of driving the creation of new song ideas, then these are the sets for you!

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