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Facebook lets U.S. users call each other for free

Facebook is rolling out a feature for his Messenger for iPhone app users in the United States to call for free. The VoIP functionality works over wifi and mobile internet. It’s yet unknown whether and when an international release follows.

Facebook was already a limited test for free each call for iPhone users of its Messenger app. Now, the functionality, however, on a large scale in the United States rolled out. Users of the app get a Free Calling button to see and be with a pressure thereon phone contacts via WiFi or mobile data connection. Those called party receives a push notification to see.

Video calling is not yet possible with Messenger for iPhone, unlike the website, where Facebook works with Skype video calls. It is not known whether the voice-over-IP function will be released as an Android app, and whether an international roll-out is on the roadmap. However ensures the functionality is now that Facebook with this addition one of the largest VoIP communities in the world has become, writes The Verge.

Will this be the final blow for the big Telco’s? After they already seen their SMS bundles drop to zero thanks to WhatsApp? What’s your take on this? 

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