Serving The Planet

How to Get Recorded Movies & Pictures from iPad/iPhone to a Computer

Right … so I’m working on this new Video Project in iMovie for iPad.

And what I recorded and edited yesterday was just a ‘test thing’.

My teammates liked it a LOT though, and having watched it another dozen times … gave me this idea yesterday, to setup something AWESOME! But 1st back to the …

Problem scenario

So tweaked the video a little more, and encoding it to 720p (instead of 480p), I just ran into the limitations of both Dropbox and Google Drive as well at my iPad.

And yes I’m aware it show be possible to export directly from both my iPad Photo Stream and iMovie straight to the internet video containers, but in both cases I ran into the ‘video is too long’ error for FaceBook (limited to 20minutes) and YouTube (not limited to anything, but both iMovie and ‘Photo’ export still think it is limited to 15 minutes).

Anyway, both cloud solotions don’t seem to like the 720p video file of roughly 28 minutes is 1GB in size. And although my WiFi and Internet is supposed to be pretty fast? Somehow it doesn’t seem to like IT.


So with a clear problem description, I started searching for a solution.

I figured, that if the file isn’t going to come to me through cloud computing storage. I better bring the entire iPad to my laptop, and hook it up with an USB cable.


Actually … just spend 30 minutes (and that’s pretty long for my doing), and cannot find it. I can sync, I can backup … but I can’t seem to locate the files ANYWHERE on my harddrive.

My Computer

So that’s when I started googling and found this YouTube tutorial:

Doh! I should have known that! Easy peasy, with drag and drop in the Explorer!




And while making this blogpost pretty by including the screenshot of “my computer” above, I just found out that my “Photo Stream” isn’t enabled in Windows. So I could have all done this through my local WiFi Network afteral! But … with a USB connection cable between my iPad and Computer things are faster anyway!


P.S. in case you are wondering about the end result? You can find it here:

Update: actually … after you install iCloud, you will lose the “Portable Device” option, which you need to copy movies from the iPad to the Computer. For some reason movie files don’t show up in the “Photo Stream”.

Yeah! DOH!

I know … sounds like common sense, but at the iPad itself, movies are stored in the “Photos” and not in the actual movies library which you access in iTunes. Apple feature

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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