Serving The Planet

Korg KingKorg Analog Modeling Synthesizer Video Reviews

Yay! Korg has added a new synthesizer to Analog Modelling synths line-up:

KingKORG is the full-fledged analog modeling synthesizer you’ve been waiting for. It carries on the design philosophy of classic Korg analog synthesizers such as the MS-20 and the Mono/Poly, which gave rise to the Prophecy, the Z1, the MS2000, and the RADIAS. This exciting new instrument delivers the unique characteristics of a dedicated synthesizer, especially the fun of transforming the sound by tweaking an impressive array of knobs. While technologically impressive, KingKORG is approachable even to players who are new to synthesizers. And it particularly shines on stage, not only with its great sound, but also literally with a gorgeous champagne gold finish, befitting its royal name – KingKORG.

Korg KingKorg USA Video Review at NAMM

But for some reason Korg’s in-house demo’s always mess up on presenting the features

Video Demo by Katsunori UJIIE

Product Overview by Korg USA


My Verdict

Myeah I’m not blown away. Then again, never been a legacy lover, when it comes to emulating sounds from the 70’s and 80’s. Once upon a time I had a MOSS-board in my Korg Triton Studio Pro. Not my cup of tea. If I want Analog Modelling? I would buy a Access Virus myself. But … then again, I’m just a synth newbie

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