Serving The Planet

Why Blog on Instead of

Empower Network is a WordPress based blog.

Why not blog on for FREE?

FYI, if someone ever asks you why they would want to pay $25/mo for the Empower Network Viral Blogging System when they could just get a blog for free, there are HUNDREDS of reasons why, but this is one of my favorites …

You may have reached this page if your links have been rewritten by our detection system. Please read below for information on why your links are not working. does not permit the use of many affiliate links in blog content. We define affiliate links as:

  • Links to external services and vendors that include a unique identifier within the link destination to tie the link to your account.
  • Personalized storefronts for services that use multi-level marketing or commission payout methods.
  • Links to file sharing services or link redirectors that give you “credits” or payment when visitors click on the links or download the files.
  • Links to pay-per-click services.

When encounters these links on your blog, we automatically take action based on the type of link detected. may:

  • Change the destination URLs of these links to this page;
  • Issue a warning to the blog owner requesting that these links no longer be posted; or;
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There are exceptions to this policy. and other select affiliate links are permitted so long as they are not the primary content of the blog in question. Other exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis.

If you have received a warning or suspension and would like to appeal it, please use the links in the warning placed in your Dashboard to contact us. If your links have been rewritten and you wish to appeal this action, please use the form below to contact us and we’ll get back to you within two business days if your request is approved.


Why Blog with Empower Network?

IF someone was hoping to monetize their blog (make any money from it), it is significantly harder with a blog that doesn’t allow you to! At Empower Network you can not only blog about ANY opportunity that you want to; making it a marketing system for people that like to lazy people! And instead of making weeny 5-40% typical affiliate commissions? You get to keep 100% of money on the sale AND the monthly memberships.

You can either setup a website of your own, but you need a domain, hosting, Premium Theme, etc. EVERYTHING you usually have to worry about elsewhere? And something I did for years … is now already done for us. And you get access to it for $25mo! A no-brainer from both a ‘techy’, costs, as well as marketing perspective! LOVE IT!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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