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Top 5 Best Blogging, Marketing, Education and Community on the Internet; December 2013

FaceBook was just asking me: “What’s on my mind?”

You’ve probably been asked that too right?

Let’s go over a few things …

The best Viral Blogging Software in the world?

Earlier today shared this “testimonial” at the Empower Network FaceBook fanpage:

The blogging platform has potential, but tickets with bug reports and complaints are closed immediately and/or are still unresolved. No Rss feeds, sitemaps and ton of 404s on old tags has resulted in massive deindexing … to name a few.

Yet, a TON of great value was added, and the community is better than ever. But the true VBS? Was ENV1. It wasn’t perfect, but it was very good. ENV2 from a blog product point of view? Ufff … the additional training is GOLD though, and can indeed be used to build a bigger blog or website anywhere.

The apps are cute, love the new media library integration, but the blogging platform (1 of the most sold and bought core products) needs some serious improvements. First fix things EN. Then we will write the best testimonials / reviews you’ve ever seen. And not the other way around. So … help us first, by leading with excellence instead of headaches  hehe … it’s not that bad, and we are definitely getting paid value for our money. But I would much rather _not_ have the additional training, and a great working ENV2 blog instead … it used to sell it self without sales material. kind regards, an overal satisfied customer of EN for 12+ months.

So at the moment? The best blogging software? Your own WordPress blog at 3rd party hosting. Still Empower is the most user friendly. Infact I’ve written an add-on:

…. so there have to be some improvements, but if I have to focus just on only the positive stuff? Here it goes …

$25/month for up to 10 blogs with unlimited hosting, plenty of room for pictures, no setup headaches, easy to customise with own banners and links, optional video platform w/o ads, custom domains supported. It’s a steal, compared to a combination of 3rd party hosting out there. Easy blogging interface, allows one to blog much faster than before, FREE blogging Apps for both iOS and Android (competition doesn’t have that), fully HTML5 (Tablet, smartphone) compatible). So all that? For $2.5/month per blog. But wait … there’s more. How much affiliate commissions do you get usually for reselling this to others? 5-40% one-time? At Empower it’s 50-80% RESIDUAL! Any self respecting traditional business owner and internet entrepreneur needs what Empower is offering; it’s the oxygen for your business.

The best “earn money with blogging” training platform?

Empower Network. Especially with what ENV2 added in October 2013.

The best Internet Community?

Empower Network. And my ultra honest opinion? To get access to all the layers of the Empower Network communities you need to be all-in. There are rumours, questions and critical claims going round on the Internet, that the Empower Network product range is overpriced. Even if that might be so? What you get access to in the communities at no additional charge? Is 6-10x more worth than what Empower is Charging us.

The best Internet Coaching Program?

My Top Tier Business (MTTB).

And here’s why it’s not Empower Network:

  • no income guarantees (as in MTTB)
  • no personal coach (as in MTTB); 6-figure personal coach works with you to get results, and is NOT your sponsor.

Combine MTTB with EN, and you have the “missing link” in your online success AND a second income stream.

The Best Money Leveraging System

Worried about focus? Use the Teambuilder system

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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