Serving The Planet

Connect Give Share INCENTIVES & Roadmap for August 2014

Hi there! There’s a high probability you find yourself on this website because of the “Incentives”-link at Connect Give Share (no worries the referral link is cookie based). I’m the webmaster and systems guru of TCGS. And like to use my personal blog to keep you in the loop with everything that’s going on in August.

TCGS Roadmap

And the following changes have taken place or are scheduled:

Connect Give Share: Website & System Changes

  • found a way past the 10 companies / opportunity limitation. Currently promoting 12 companies.
  • membership plugin upgrade (for better Captcha support)
  • reinstated the for more user engagement and tool showcase
  • enabled facebook commenting on blogposts
  • embedded likeboxes
  • Different topheader menu when logged in.

Connect Give Share ToDo list:

  • rename the site to
  • add a few new programs
  • Program together a top 15 based on users


1. 2 free signups per opportunity (upto 15)

2. Our own FREE leadcapture system … with done for you follow up.

3. Everybody that upgrades to the $300 board in IC (Opportunity #2), gets a FREE spot in the randomizer. With the current 1350 1500 members in TCGS? That means you have a potential for 27 leads signups each! To do today what others didn’t when they had the chance, you get this no-brainer offer! CU soon @ leaderboards

4. FREE WordPress consultancy by DigitalNomad.Pro / TCGS Webmaster Rhyker, for upto 5 hours (for example how to rank your site better, SEO tips, theming, design, plugins, etc.) when upgrading to the $500 board in IC … only valid for 7 users (cause of time restraint). Example of what an IC blog can do you for you with Rhyker’s help:

Cause we want you to succeed & WIN big!


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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