Earlier today this was still running at: https://www.smore.com/5vjf7-crowdfunding-opportunities
But to keep you in the loop of progress, I’ve moved most of the content to this blogpost below:
Crowdfunding Opportunities
for a few exciting new cloud projects in 2015: TCGS, O4A, FMC …
CrowdFunding Stage #1
Just finished writing the 1st business plan during xmas, and only coming up little less than 1000USD short. For which I already launched a crowdfunding project at BTCjam (Peer-to-peer lending platform for Bitcoin enthusiasts.
International P2P lending platform
Payback Period: 30 days
Payment: weekly (5 installments)
Loan initiation date: 26th Dec 2014
Expected time to raise the funds: 4 days
Project status: 100% funded … rolling out!
- Update 27Dec14: Bought a VPS droplet and setup basic configuration + hosting
- no updates in a while … has a reason … 1st pre-launching through alternative site.
- Update 10Jan15: initiated a second BTCJam loan as stage #2 is going to slow!
https://btcjam.com/listings/32557-business-expansion:-create-stock-for-a-computer-webstore - Update 22Jan15: paid first 2 out of 5 loan repayments
- Update 26Jan15: migrated to the new server
CrowdFunding Stage #2
This is an idea I also got during xmas (straight after sending the newsletter of the new rates).
Unlimited DUTCH remote support
Project status: 4% funded
To be continued …
- Update 22Jan 2015: not going fast enough, but together with a new EKPC.NL initiative. Will be launching an update tomorrow.
CrowdFunding Stage #3
Similar and yet different to #2.
International remote support Discount
Total number of orders so far: 0
Payment gateway: coming soon!
- Update 28dec14: had a question coming in “So what happens if I need further assistance after 1 year?” That’s a great question! How about life timee membership? For one-time $997 (PayPal).
- Update 06jan15: just had a great idea for launching my own affiliate program and embed it onto DigitalNomad.Pro (has to be rebuild). So you can earn 50% commission through PayPal by recommending me to other people!
Why didn’t you ask for help sooner?!
I’m not the kind of guy that likes to ask for help. I usually only offer it to others. But to help more people in 2015 than I ever have before? I first need your help, so after setting and configuring the wealth distributions systems, we can then leverage each other and change 1000s of lives for people all around the globe on almost autopilot. Which sounds pretty outrageous, but guess what? I know what I’m doing. And I’ve not reinvented the wheel. I just found a way to tune the engine of the car, to get you from A to B(etter) much faster; Reverse engineering your success!
Quick recap
Based on https://www.smore.com/5vjf7-crowdfunding-opportunities but won’t be around for forever.
Maybe you’ve heard already?
Earnie ‘Rhyker’ Kasteleijn — after a decade of working as a ‘techy’ freelancer for 5-7 figure income earners — will be releasing a few projects of his own. Wealth Distribution Systems to be precise. To proof once and for all that you don’t need a lot of money (i.e. advertising budget) to make a lot of money online, neither have you be a ‘master of the universe recruiter’ to become successful. However the infrastructure to facilitate such system(s) doesn’t come cheap.
What is “Crowdfunding” ?
“Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.” ~ source: Wikipedia.com But instead of using ordinary crowdfunding? I’ve come up with something better, social proof and creating a win-win situation for everybody who wants to participate.
How Much do you need ?
Not sure yet. Although that probably doesn’t give much reassurance. (-; Let me elaborate:
So far, everything has been funded from my own pockets; money-wise. And been working on this is in my (scarce) spare-time for a year already. And it’s major upgrade to a system we used in the past that took 4 nerds over 6 months of full-time programming. Every time I thought I could finish it, it just wasn’t good enough, or it would generate heaps of questions / management overhead. If I want to launch it, the way it’s meant to be launched? And preferably in this lifetime instead of the next? I need to scale up on resources, as well as break down the project in several manageable stages. With an end-goal to have everything under 1 big umbrella.
“You didn’t answer the question” … I KNOW! :-p
Keep on reading, cause will get to that in a bit.
What are the funds used for exactly?
Without giving away too much about on the actual project(s)?
- server infrastructure
- Software licenses
- primary domainnames
- Site building blocks (commercial plugins, chunks of premade jQuery code)
- SSL certificates
- DDOS protection … yeah I’m expecting a lot of ‘jealousy’.
- domainnames ranges to prevent spoofing / name hijacking
- Videohosting platform (as YouTube / Vimeo probably can’t cope with the load)
Plus … water and bread; hey I need something to survive on while working on this 3FTE (day & night). No hiring of expensive teams of outsourcers. As I’m molding everything together on my own; also guarantees the highest quality.
What do I get in return? Is there a ROI?
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