Serving The Planet

Korg M50: Return to CyberVille

I can still remember it like … yesterday. Owning a Korg Karma, and drewling on the trailer / showcase vids of Stephen Kay of the M3. The Vid that Inspired me most had a combi called “Return to CyberVille” from the Korg Oasys Workstation:

Update late 2013: regretfully the particular YouTube was taken down due to copyright infringement However the newer Korg Kronos has the same combi as well. Checkout this vid:

So how does that relate to the M50? The engineers from Korg managed to get “Return to CyberVille” as a combi on the M50 as well! Combi C011 to be precise. It’s not exactly the same, as the M50 has no KARMA and instead relies on the dual arpegiator system (we all know from the Triton). Another combi that inspired me in particular is called “Dreaming Without Sleeping” (A000), and a very f*cked up gated effect on the Program B057, etc. etc. Tune in:

A few other video’s that inspired me to put the M50 on my wishlist.

“But the Korg M50 is EOL!”

I know it has been sort of replaced by the Korg Kronos. That also means it’s cheaper to get a M50 second hand Why spend 3 times as much on something that’s not necessarily better?

Update 2022-NOV-01: Found a nice/remake from this Kronos user. V2 is even better than the original !

And Stephen Kay is still releasing updates for the M50 KARMA software.

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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