Serving The Planet

My Tablet Dilemma

Last week I was thinking about buying an ASUS EEE Pad Transformer, although it’s successor “Transformer Prime” is just around the corner and rumoured to be launching in first week of January 2012. However most of my SAAS applications and Apps on my wishlist only support iOS, so I need something from Apple.

The iPhone 4GS is not my cup of tea though; screen is too small. Moreover I’m still happy with my Nokia 6710 Navigator. So a new phone ain’t necessary. What’s bigger than the iPhone? iPad of course.

However, I’ve got plans to use it for Skype communication and TalkFusion video e-mail communication. So I need something with a front facing cam. Meaning iPad1 ain’t an option either.

However the iPad2 — at least according to Buyers Guide — is near the end of it’s lifecycle as well. Thus buying an iPad2 now would be a very poor idea from a financial perspective (as the prices will drop) … or won’t it?  Hmz … thinking out loud now. After the launch of the iPad 2 there was indeed a pricedrop of the previous model, however — as I recall properly — it was just 100EUR. Moreover the iPad 3 will be sold out everywhere anyway at launch.

Hmz so maybe I can still got a good deal if I order an iPad2. My iPad requirements:

  • 3G ain’t important, will be used with WiFi the most and the likely event of 3G I rather use an external Huawei modem, as such a device will also benefit any laptops
  • Front facing cam (iPad 2 has both of course) for Skype and video communication
  • 64GB is nice to have, but rather get a cheaper 16GB version with Camera connection kit, so I’m able to interface it with my future music studio and camera / SD cards

No requirement for 3G means I can’t get a cheap deal with an Internet dataplan. However … at the moment I’ve got a prepaid card in my phone. So by switching to a ‘minutes plan’, I should be able to get an iPad2 for a good price. Or maybe replace my mom’s cellphone too. Hmz.

Found a few good deals (at Dutch Telecom business centers):

… to be continued

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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