Serving The Planet

Nelly Furtado Bucket List + Lyrics

Nelly Furtado Bucket List


Climb a mountain swim the seven seas
Get your body to look like Hercules
Jump out an airplane with a parachute
Fly up and away on a hot air balloon

We don’t know where it all ends
Some say it’s almost over almost over
If this is it then baby why aren’t I on your shoulder
On your shoulder

In this lifetime
I want you to be mine
Cuz I took a long look at my bucket list
And I saw that at the bottom it said our first kiss and
Whoa I’m running out of time
Whoa I’m running out of time

Get on your boots and visit the North Pole
Try every sport until you score a goal
Follow the path of a butterfly
Go to Ground Zero and do nothing but cry

In this lifetime
I want you to be mine
Cuz I took a long look at my bucket list
And I saw that at the bottom it said our first kiss and
Whoa I’m running out of time
Whoa I’m running out of time

This is not a dare
Not some trick of a daredevil
I’d trade in my wildest dreams
For your forever

In this lifetime
I want you to be mine
Cuz I took a long look at my bucket list
And I saw that at the bottom it said our first kiss and
Cuz I took a long look at my bucket list
And I saw that at the bottom it said our first kiss and
Whoa I’m running out of time
Whoa I’m running out of time
Whoa I’m running out of time
Whoa I’m running out of time

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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