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Online money opportunities review

With the worldwide exposure of this blog, and my 4 years of online money earning experience, gave me this great idea to publish a review about the current best opportunities. I used a schizophrenic ‘interview-a-like’ questions in between, to make sure most of your answers get answered.

The most exposed form of making money online on this blog has been Forex lately. So the first question one could ask himself is: “Is it easy to make money using Foreign Exchange?” Hmmm it kinda depends what you compare it to.  HYIP and Autosurf? Yes definitely! Let me tell you why. A typical HYIP / Autosurf usually lasts 1-6 months. Only very few exceptions (regretfully). When a HYIP goes down? Nobody knows. There are some indicators though; news letters, and especially forum posts. You have to adapt your strategy to those, and on suspicion of going bad diversify other investments. And most investments work with rather cumbersome methods of e-currency. When you are new to these type of things, you might get discouraged pretty fast. In short? It takes up a lot of your valuable time. With you can pay or retrieve money to/from your balance using ordinary bank transfers. It also only requires you to make an investment by pressing a few mouse clicks, set stop losses and wins … and that’s it. You can devote your complete attention to other things (being your spouse, a job, your girlfriend, go away from the PC, etc.)

“You talk about MyPrivateTrade a lot. A little Googling turns up a whole lot of other Forex brokers. What can you say about that/them?” Indeed, there a lot of user reviews sites on about 150 other brokers. I tested a lot of them the past 1.5 years, and there simply isn’t anything coming close to the simplicity, great support, and personal approach of MPT! Don’t take my word for it, just try them out yourself and you will know exactly what I’m talking about.

“I want to become filthy rich without a lot of effort! What’s your suggestion?” Buy a lottery ticket! A not just a single ticket, but preferable from a group lottery or syndicate! I prefer WLS. I already explained this once in Dutch, but let me make a English translation for you in this blogposting this week!

Are there any other ways to get some extra money online? As a matter a fact YES! Forced Matrix is a supposedly successful one. Forced Matrix is not a product but a marketing method. One that’s most widely misused. Most Forced Matrixes could be seen as cover ups for perfect pyramid shaped structures. You buy a useless product and part of the price you paid is paid to the chain of people that lead to your introduction into the program. The success of such a scheme depends on other people and basically involves selling the opportunity to make profit. But what’s there to sell that adds value? Some exceptions proof the rule: ABC and TheMasterProgram for example. Still … the income success depends on the enthusiasm of sharing the opportunity. That’s usually where such a program dies. Cause your friends share your success, but their friends and their friends? Lack of ‘personal contact’ is usually where such a thingy dies a slow death, and the income stops.

“What about making money in virtual communities like Second Life?” To be honest, I don’t have experience with that. Heard stories, but it’s not my market. I rather stick to real life. As if online is real

Well that’s it for now. Time for another good night sleep.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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