Serving The Planet

Unable to recover Chrome OS: Missing or Damaged (Acer C720P, PEPPY)

Last night I was preparing for restoring my ChromeBook back to default settings (after having enabled developer mode with Chronos Linux). When I got this error:

Unable to recover ChromeOS

Uh o!


  • Restarting several times … no show

Eeeek; panic!

Hard Reset

Of course I did not create a recovery media stick by accessing chrome://imageburner/ when I should have. So did some googling.

Find the recovery button on your device: here for a hard reset

Phew! that did the trick for me. Need more help?

Creating an USB recovery stick from Windows

Create USB flash drive on a Windows PC

1. Insert a 4GB or larger USB flash drive into the Windows PC. All data will be erased from this flash drive so be sure to remove any important files.

2. Download the Chrome OS Recovery Tool from Google:

3. In the File Download dialog box, click Run.

4. If prompted with a security warning, click Run.

5. In the Create Chrome OS Recovery Media dialog box, begin typing the name of the Chrome device. Type Parrot and a list of names will begin to automatically populate. Select the corresponding model name that you found in step 2 of the “Find model number of your Chromebook” section above and then click Next.

6. In the Create Chrome OS Recovery Media dialog box, select your USB flash drive and then click Next.

Note: If your flash drive is less than 4GB you will not be able to select Next.

7. When prompted that all files will be erased, click OK

8. The Chrome OS image is downloaded.

9. The Chrome OS image is written to the USB flash drive

10. In the Create Chrome OS Recovery Media dialog box, click Finish.

Reinstall Chrome OS using a USB Flash Drive

1. Press and hold the esc key and refresh (F3) key and then press the power key to turn on the Chromebook.

2. The Chromebook will boot to Developer Mode. Insert the USB flash drive.

11. The integrity of the recovery media is verified. This process takes about 4 minutes.

12. The system is recovered from the USB flash drive. This process takes about 4 minutes.

13. Once system recovery is complete, unplug the USB flash drive.

14. The Chromebook restarts automatically.

15. The “Welcome!” screen will be displayed and you can complete the OOBE.

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