Serving The Planet

K’NAAN – Wavin’ Flag (Coca-Cola Celebration Mix) with Lyrics


When I get older
I will be stronger
They’ll call me ‘Freedon’
just like a wavin’ flag
and then it goes back, and then it goes back
and then it goes back, and then it goes . . .

Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
but violent-prone, poor people zone,
But it’s my home, all I have known,
where I got grown, streets we would roam
Out of the darkness, I came the farthest
out of the hardest survival
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
accept no defeat, surrender retreat

So we strugglin’
fightin’ to eat
and we wonderin’
when we’ll be free
so we patiently wait
for that fateful day
it’s not far away,
but for now we say:


So many wars, settlin’ scores,
bringing us promises, leaving us poor,
I heard them say, love is the way
love is the answer, that’s what they say
But look how they treat us, make us believers
we fight their battles, then they deeive us
try to control us, they couldn’t hold us
’cause we just move forward like Buffalo soldiers

Karaoke version

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