Serving The Planet

My Top 5 Proof of Payment: Results December 2014

A long LONG time ago. When I switched from national affiliate marketing, to making money on the internet internationally .. and just getting started with everything; there was only 1 thing I cared about: TO GET PAID! However just because I’m getting financial gain with something? Doesn’t mean you or anyone will. It depends on many factors; your skillset, choice of opportunity, time/money you invest in something, etc.  So in all cases income disclaimers of respective companies apply!

My Top 5 Proof of Income: Results December 2014

Here are my top 5 income sources for the month December. And to be frank? It wasn’t a lot last month, because I’ve been devoting a lot of my resources in this.

Top 5 is sorted by highest PROFIT (not income) and already subtracted.

1) My Own Dutch IT company: EKPC

No screencaptures, you just have to believe me on my pretty green/grey eyes on this

Total profit: €382 ~ $450

note: if I would add my Xmas presents? The amount would ± €500 higher.

2) My Advertising Pays

$15 one-time commission from referrals, the rest all came from a 5 minute daily effort!


MAPS payouts to my STP account

Total profit: $235.

note: a lot of profits were used to repurchase more adpacks; to earn more money and to advertise other programs; learn more here what that means.

3) ZeusMinerShop Bitcoin Cloudmining

100% from personal investments (no affiliate gig); Crypto Currency mining.

… posting soon! But it was roughly 2-3BTC ~ Approx. $750.

4) Fiverr

Again … not going to post screencaptures, but it was around ~ $100.

5) …

Ehh not even sure if there’s a #5 income source for December. Simply don’t have the time right now to go over all my balances of these companies.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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