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Archive | Cloud Computing


Lightweight Windows Browsers

While IE, Chrome and FireFox are competing with each other to be the best browser… they sometimes forget that not everybody has the latest and greatest computer to be able to run their browser with a pletora of extensions, plugins, addons, fancy skins at Windows 7. Some people — older laptop users specifically — with slimmer memory profile computers […]

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Flat file PHP forum

Creating a site with forum is easy these days. There are many great forums: phpBB and vBulletin being the well known solutions. But … I wanted something different. For a project with a small community of about 10 users I don’t need a super advanced MySQL/PHP forum, but rather something small. Preferably a flat-file storage […]

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Useful Google Chrome Extensions 2011

In my almost 15years(!) of browsing on and around the Internet, I find myself totally onto the ‘Google bandwagon’ these days. I use all their apps, gmail, google+, etc. For the past year I’ve been slowly migrating from Mozilla FireFox to Google Chrome. Google Chrome version 12 is an amazing browser on itself, but by extending […]

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Youtube? Check. PornTube? Heard about it. FilesTube?!

Everybody knows about these days. I’m pretty sure most guys have heard about PornTube. However FilesTube? That was a new one for me! seems to be a meta search engine, for cloud based storage solutions. Forget about FTP and torrent to distribute less legal files, and welcome to MegaUpload, FileSonic, RapidShare and about 25 other similar sites. FilesTube search algorithm ain’t […]

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Earn With Earnie
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