Serving The Planet

Archive | Communication


FREE webhosting!

In the age of the digital Jungle: The Internet. Everybody wants and needs to have an Internet page. While there are many hosting companies charging you amount X or Y; there are some that also offer FREE hosting. I used to think that free hosting, covers your page in advertisements … but that ain’t true any longer. […]

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My phone history

With Nokia making a comeback into phone market that’s dominated by Samsung and Apple, I was wondering what phones I’ve had over the years. My list: May 2011 – present :: Nokia 6710 Navigator (Symbian S60 OS) Nokia E63 (Symbian S60 OS) Samsung D880 dualsim Nokia 6100? Sony Ericson D800(?) … hope to add some […]

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Nokia can’t send SMS text messages

I’m a very happy user of a Nokia 6710 Navigator with Symbian S60 operating system. It supports all modern technologies and Apps: Skype, WhatsApp, eBuddy, etc. One thing I haven’t been able to do though is send SMS, while I was able to receive text messages. Yesterday I took care of that problem!   The […]

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My Enabled Gmail Labs

I’m an avid user of everything that comes out the ‘Google Barn’, also Gmail Labs: “Gmail Labs is a testing ground for experimental features that aren’t ready for primetime. They may change, break or disappear at any time.” ~ source: Labs is what makes Gmail THE best e-mail client bar none. I laugh at […]

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Earn With Earnie
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