Serving The Planet

FREE webhosting!

In the age of the digital Jungle: The Internet. Everybody wants and needs to have an Internet page. While there are many hosting companies charging you amount X or Y; there are some that also offer FREE hosting.

I used to think that free hosting, covers your page in advertisements … but that ain’t true any longer.

One free hosting party that I like recommend is

You can see at their page what the disadvantages are to paid hosting. If you’re novice user, you’re simply screwed as you probably would need support, SMTP … but if you’re a intermediate or expert user you can actually save yourself a lot of money! 1500MB diskspace, 100GB/month, PHP & MySQL support, 2 MySQL databases, 5x POP email addresses + webmail, password protected directory support, cronjobs, backups, unlimited domain parking, FTP upload, IMAP support, etc. That’s a lot of value … for not having to pay a dime! I’ve been running all my sites at for a year!

However due to a change in hosting requirements, I recently moved to paid hosting. Read my (Dutch) SolidHosting Review, why they’re worth (y)our money!

P.S. to be more specific why I migrated to paid hosting: need 99.9 instead of 99% uptime, my websites need to perform well under high traffic loads, need lightning fast FTP upload / synchronizing, most of my target mark is Europe based, need to be able to ask my tech questions to somebody that’s qualified to provide me answers within 2 hours instead of … never

Update 13 Feb 2012Interesting read why not to chose WordPress hosting.

Update 27 Mar 2012: I’ve been a happy ‘camper’ of paid hosting for a year now, but I just found my last reason to migrate to Google’s platform. You can uploaded ANY file (including .exe and .zip) to Google Docs and publically share it from the cloud. Meaning? There’s no reason any longer to have hosting at a 3rd party!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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