Serving The Planet

Archive | Communication


[NL] Visite kaartjes

Waar ga je heen wanneer je visite kaartjes nodig hebt? … VistaPrint? Wat zijn de alternatieven? We hebben al eerder geconcludeerd dat ondanks VistaPrint veel voordelen heeft, er ook diverse aandachtspuntjes zijn: slecht kwaliteit papier (te dun), hoge kosten van verzending, onacceptabele levertijden. Tijd om — anno Juli 2011 — te kijken naar de beschikbare […]

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My Top 5 Nokia E63 apps

As I’ve been busy switching PCs all the time, I haven’t really had time to dig into buying which specific Apple iPhone or iPhone touch or iPad. Moreover, because my Nokia E63 is sim locked I haven’t been able to sell it. Although the E63 seems to have a proprietary OS, it’s actually based on […]

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Userbars (aka Signature Bars) are a specific type of forum signature graphic 350 pixels wide and 19 pixels high that many forum community, email and social network (such as MySpace or Facebook) users attach to their signature, comments or website to express their personality and interests. Much like a cellphone ringtone does in the real […]

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Triple SIM card

While Samsung prides itself for have the first European dual sim phones more than 2 years ago (read this blogpost), they’ve created a new one — currently only available for the Swedish market — called the Samsung B7722. According to them it’s the first 3G dualsim phone, thus HSDPA support. Other specs include: 3.2″ 400×240 […]

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My Telfort Speedtest

Due to change of needs in our Internet & telecommunications behaviour, I’m researching ways to cut back on costs, while increasing speed. Here’s a screenshot of my current ADSL speed: Visit to do a test of your own! Related posts: HP EliteBook 2570P System Board 00A error Bios SOLUTION

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Earn With Earnie
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