Serving The Planet

Archive | Giving Back


#connectgiveshare Review

Have you seen the ConnectGiveShare Promotion movie? Introduction: Reality Check It’s 2014, still recession and the reality is, that almost every individual has little to no advertising budget … (TCGS) is a ingenious customer referral umbrella, founded in January 2014 by several leaders and product enthusiasts, and a follow up to an older system known as the […]

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Rhyker’s Xmas Wish List 2013

Money is just energy, but one of the best … as you can use it as leverage to buy certain things or give back to your source of nourishment. I used to feature my ‘wish list’ / goals list on my blogs, but as they are quite difficult to find back in between in the […]

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Food For Thought: A Little Summertime Rant ….

This was just shared by a fellow Digital Nomad on my FaceBook Profile. She’s from the USA … where everything is very different of course. Food For Thought My question to you: Does the rant below, apply to Europe too? A Little Summertime Rant …. Nothing burns me MORE than when people, even friends and […]

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