Serving The Planet

Archive | Online Video Marketing

The Laptop Millionaire: How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online

Been referring to this book many times already, but never written a blogpost about it! I got it as a gift last year by Arthur Fedder. How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online Go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in 28 days and discover financial freedom online! Every day […]

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FB Post Magic Review 2013: YouTube Video’s on FaceBook with opt-in Form

There’s a lot of commotion about a new FaceBook tool doing it’s rounds. Time to do a quick review with lots of video’s that showcase the true potential? FB Post Magic Review 2013: YouTube Video’s on FaceBook with opt-in Form !!! However when you visit their splashpage you get this ‘countdown’ and somebody rambling about how […]

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Embed HTML5 Facebook CDN Video Hosting In WordPress

While everybody is trying to outsmart the Empower Network YouTube slap, by getting onto all kinds of different platforms (making more costs), I’ve been thinking how to do it better too … and based on the frustrations and lessons of several video hosting platforms I made a list of my requirements: no ads no distractions (related […]

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Earn With Earnie
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