Serving The Planet

Archive | Synths & MIDI

Korg M50: Return to CyberVille

Korg M50: Return to CyberVille

I can still remember it like … yesterday. Owning a Korg Karma, and drewling on the trailer / showcase vids of Stephen Kay of the M3. The Vid that Inspired me most had a combi called “Return to CyberVille” from the Korg Oasys Workstation: Update late 2013: regretfully the particular YouTube was taken down due […]

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New sound set: “Reincarnated” for Kronos/OASYS

Just received this newsletter from Stephen Kay (creator of KARMA): New sound set: “Reincarnated” for Kronos/OASYS Reincarnated KARMA-fied Combi Collection Released! …for the Korg Kronos and OASYS Finally, it’s here! “Reincarnated – Groove Nirvana,” the brand new fully KARMA-fied set of 32 Combis for the Korg Kronos and Korg OASYS. Click here to watch a YouTube video of Reincarnated in […]

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The Best New Apple Ipad (3rd Gen) accessories

This blogpost isn’t about making a generic list of accessories for the new (3rd gen) Apple iPad. What it IS about is accessories that I personally find intriguing or helpful to assist my Digital Nomad Lifestyle. Some generic resources I used to get ideas: Accessories I like (unsorted list): Apple Digital AV adapter (connect iPad to HD screen) Kensington KeyFolio […]

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My New Synthesizer: Korg iMS-20 for iPad?

Just spend about 2-3 hours listening to all kinds of synth demo’s (both old and new), and gotta say I’m disappointed. With progression of technology, most manufacturers (Yamaha and Roland) are lagging behind big time. What’s even worse? With their entire corporate staff hitting retire age, and the large percentage of babyboomers they are actually focusing at […]

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Creating Music in Linux: MIDI, Soft Synts & Sequencing with VSTs

Once upon a time … I used to be fanatic on creating digital music. Although that’s all in the past, technology wise I’m still interested what’s available.   to be continued … (when I have more time … not now) Resources used to compile the list: Related posts: F*CK !!! public_html/megla.txt […]

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