Serving The Planet

Archive | Synths & MIDI


TiMiDitY MOD Player & Audio for Linux

TiMidity++, originally and still frequently informally called TiMidity, is a software synthesizer that can play MIDI files without a hardware synthesizer. It can either render to the sound card in real time, or it can save the result to a file, such as a PCM .wav file. TiMidity++ primarily runs under Linux and Unix-like operating systems. Feature […]

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iPad USB MIDI keyboard controllers

While browsing through the blogposts, I got the idea to make a list of the most popular iPad USB MIDI keyboard controllers. Two years ago I was one of the early adopters of the Korg Nano series (consisting of the keyboard, pads and mixer/faders). The Korg NanoPad was absolutely my favorite tool. The keyboard […]

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ReBirth for iPad

ReBirth, the legendary Techno Micro Composer, first released on the PC in 1996, is on the iPad now! In this video ReBirth guru Kurt “Peff” Kurasaki gives us a walkthrough of the new iPad features, teaches beat-making Rebirth style, and shares his thoughts on the legacy of the app. Checkout the YouTube vid! ReBirth faithfully […]

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iPad Software Synthesizers

I’ve been around and about music composing basically all my life, had a huge semi-professional music studio, but how things change in life so did my inspiration. For more than a year I haven’t really fiddled around with any sequencing, tracking or producing/composing music, but I definitely want to get into the music scene again […]

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Korg M50 reveiled

Korg has reveiled a slimmed down version of the Korg M3, or did they? Cause it sounds to me (after watching this this video @ Korg USA) that it’s actually a revamped Triton or upgrade from the TR series. It doesn’t have built-in Karma technology, but the ‘old’ dual polyphonic arpeggiators. However it does have the […]

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Yamaha PSR-S700

The Prelude might be an awesome instrument (for the embedded Fantom X range sounds) to it’s manufacturer Roland. At a price tag of around the €949, I’m not that impressed so far. When you do have about €1000 to spend on an arranger style keyboard, I recommend you to look into the already 2-year old, […]

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Bert Smorenburg Biography

“Bert who?” Mister Bert Smorenburg, one of my personal hero’s since 1998. He’s a product specialist from Holland for Yamaha. His energetic and crazy method of presenting the latest features of Yamaha synthesizers is addictive. Both to listen to, and to imitate the tunes he plays. I’ve just found a great site on music product demo’s […]

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