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Archive | Troubleshoot


[NL] Gratis PC / Laptop APK – Release v1.23 uitgebracht / Updates

Geachte (potentiële) klant, vanacht is release 1.23 uitgebracht van de www.GratisComputerAKP.NL Release v1.23 Updates met onder andere de volgende updates: Scan widget, OS controle: als het geen Windows is, wordt de scanknop vervangen door een melding dat dit OS nog niet ondersteund wordt; Scan widget, foutmeldingen: fouten tijdens controle van invoervelden worden nu onder de […]

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GAW Miners / OneMiner Fury Deal: Zenminer First Impression Review (not good)

Disclaimer: Even though I’m a GAWminers affiliate and GAW wholesale reseller ? I can only recommend what’s great. I’m expressing personal opinions in this article. If something ROCKS? I will write that. If it Sucks (and needs serious improvement)? I will write that too. Introduction: GAW Miners / OneMiner One of GAW miners latest projects […]

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Apple eMac Wont Boot From CD [SOLVED]

Going from the latest and greatest in Windows 8, to an eMac manufactured in 2006 with similar problems … The Real Problem OS X did boot, but gives funny / distorted display problems; as if the video card is overheating somehow; but the system was just turned on. Resulting in a hangup. Troubleshoot Have the […]

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