Serving The Planet

WAIT with signing up in = Scam? Collapsing?

As I was just talking to some fellow nerds. And had a conversation that went a little like this (WARNING: *MINDFART rant BadAss Rhyker style*):

“So this Bitcoin-Economy thing?”

“Isn’t that for n00bs?”

“Can’t I google all that information together?”

“Isn’t it a sorry excuse for a compensation plan?”

Yeah maybe it is. Here’s a thought though. If you have to boil down your entire journey in crypto currency? Then how many hours of googling did it take for you to get down to the meat & potato’s? How many hours of experimenting and  further digging did it take?

And now imagine you have to explain it to somebody else?

“Yeah, but then I would create an e-book or something.”

Well here’s the thing … you don’t have to anymore, cause that’s what Bitcoin-Economy has done for us. And with a 100% pass-up compensation plan, you get paid in full. Instead of lousy affiliate commissions of 10-25% with additional overhead that you would have in PayPro.NL for example.

And if you did know about it already, then why didn’t you tell me anything about?! You selfish bastard!

It’s because of Bitcoin-Economy that I came across it. Created this brief article: rhyker-homemade-asic-bitcoin-miner-farm … that I’m seeing the potential and talking to you right now.

How many “noobs” can we educate on the basics and in March the advanced training? What’s the worst that can happen? Maybe we learn something new, and by sharing and learning we get paid. Biggest no brainer on the planet.

“Isn’t that one of those pyramid deals,
where all money is made on the top?”

Since when is affiliate marketing classified as a pyramid? And 100% commissions on product sales … who earns the most you think? YOU DO! Only every 2,4,6 and there after every 5th goes to me. So that means 80% of the total revenue goes to you. We can make some serious doe together, while we are mining … both on auto-pilot.

Need an extra incentive? You have 48 hours left to get positioned as a co-founder. As a co-founder you become part of a council that has a direct line to management, which brainstorms towards better and more recent bitcoin education an additional education modules. And maybe other crypto currency as well? How about we team-up, combine forces, help improve the bitcoin-economy education while earning 100% instant pay commissions? Nerds at the top … finally getting paid what we are worth, etc. etc. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Use their infrastructure, and our skills about internet marketing and BOOM! 14th of April 2014 founded our own team:

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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